Hello Everyone,
And welcome to Open Studio Westminster!
This is an interactive project run by the Department of Architecture at the University of Westminster to make its design, research and practice-based work available online, while it is happening.
The key idea is that the site acts as a ‘real time’ teaching and learning environment in which the work of both students and staff generated in its design studios, or its other teaching and research groups and workshops, is curated and documented.
The aim of this project is, primarily, to document and showcase students’ work. This would allow both students and staff within the school itself, as well as prospective students or employers, to have an insight into work that is being produced here at the School of Architecture. In turn, that would enhance the opportunities for global online and offline dialogue, and would promote the work to global audiences. The platform will also include archive of public events at Westminster and other schools, links to studios’ other social media outlets (twitter, instagram, tubmlr, blogs etc.), and would hopefully help maintain contact with the alumni.
Organised around two main segments, the structure of the platform is envisaged as a combination of static and dynamic content.
The studio content, featuring information on both undergraduate and postgraduate diploma studios, MAs/MSc and research, is considered a relatively static part of the platform, and will be updated in accordance with the changes happening in the studios. It is envisaged almost like a portfolio, where the emphasis is on images, while the text can be hidden and moved out of sight. The concept itself is studio-oriented, and not year-oriented, therefore the information is found under the studio name/number, rather than on year-by-year basis.
The blog content of the platform is seen as more dynamic. Unlike the studios, here the layout is more in line with what we’re used to seeing online, so it’s a bit more busy, with combination of text and images. The blog will be updated regularly, bringing the information on the latest events at the school: exhibitions, performances, lectures, crits etc.
If you would like to get in touch, give us suggestions or share with us content that you would like to see online, please contact us on M.Pedalo@westminster.ac.uk.
You can also follow us on Twitter and like us on Instagram.
We are very excited to have you on board with us! Looking forward to journeying together!