Two Worlds Design Instagram Live Event: Architecture & Employment Post-COVID-19, Saturday, June 6 at 2pm

When: Saturday, June 6, 2pm

Where: Instagram Live

This Saturday, 6th of June at 2pm Hamza Shaikh, DS23 MArch student and the creator of a popular podcast series Two Worlds Design will be joined by three inspiring professionals in the field of architecture to discuss the difficult questions around employment in post-COVID-19 world. 

Hamza says:

Many students, myself included, are anxious and confused about the job landscape in architecture. There are many questions to be asked, but we don’t know whom to ask and when to ask. Well, the time to ask is now, and some of the people to ask are joining me this Saturday for this one-off event, LIVE on Instagram. But we need YOU to engage for this to work. Our last event was very successful, and this time we want to hear your voices. If you have any questions, views or experiences on this topic, PLEASE send me a message. We are looking for 3 people to join this event. Otherwise, send your general questions about what you would like to be addressed. See you there! 

The event will end with the announcements from Arthur Mamou-Mani and a collective Muslim Women in Architecture, so make sure you tune in!!!

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