Dezeen: “University of Westminster spotlights 10 architecture, environmental design and technology projects”

Dezeen magazine has featured a selection of 10 students’ projects from the School of Architecture + Cities, University of Westminster.

The featured students are: Asena Koksal (MArch DS25), Edoardo Ripamonti (BSc Architecture and Environmental Design), Jan Macbean (BA Architecture, DS3.3), Joshua Dalsan (BA Architecture, DS3.6), Lilla Porkolab (MArch DS10), Malgorzata Socha (MArch DS15), Nikol Kaso (BA Interior Architecture), Suha Faisal Valiyaveettil (BSc Architecture and Environmental Design), Zhengyao Hu (BA Interior Architecture), Zuzanna Jodlowska (BSc Architectural Technology)

The Dezeen feature can be accessed here.

Featured image: The water healing mosque of Royal Docklands by Suha Faisal Valiyaveettil

ArCCAT Climate Action Week: Material ReUse Station Competition winner announced!

Following the completion of the week-long design Student Competition on the ‘Material ReUse Station’ as part of the Climate Action Week (24-29 October) Group 5: The Slice was announced the winner!

Congratulations to Julie Beech (BA Interor Architecture), Adam El Hafedi (BA Architecture), Zuzanna Jodlowska (BSc Architectural Technology) and Ruhan Zaman (BSc Architecture and Environmental Design)

The video made by the winning team can be viewed here.  

Congratulations to the winners and all who participated. Big thank you to all the judges and course leaders Diony Kipraiou, Paolo Zaide, Stefania Boccaletti and Tabatha Mills who organised this cross-UG-course competition, first such initiative in the School.  

The next step will be collaboration with David Scott and the Fabrication Lab to work on building a prototype.