Prix W 2018: Competition for Students and Young Architects – Deadline 16th April

Prix W 2018: Competition for Students and Young Architects

For 12 years, the Wilmotte Foundation has promoted the positive interaction between architectural heritage and contemporary design through the W Award, dedicated to students and young architects.

For this 8th edition, the Willmotte Foundation is pleased to ask the participants the opportunity to give a fresh start to the Fort de Villiers, located in the Parisian inner ring. They will have to use the “architectural grafting” and turn it into a complex dedicated to innovation, sport and culture. The projects will have to be in line with the organization of the Paris 2024 Olympics but not limited to it.

The best projects, selected by an international jury, will be remunerated, exhibited in Venice at the Gallery of the Wilmotte Foundation, and published in a book dedicated to the competition.

All information related to this competition can be found on

The submission deadline is April 16, 2018.

Featured image: Gallery of the Wilmotte Foundation in Venice.