Meet in the studios by the kitchen at 10am Friday morning to join a workshop and learn a new skill!
Organised by Westminster Architecture Society.
Meet in the studios by the kitchen at 10am Friday morning to join a workshop and learn a new skill!
Organised by Westminster Architecture Society.
It should be noted that children at play are not playing about: their games should be seen as their most serious-minded activity. ( Montaigne 1580 )
PLAYweek is organised by the Department of Architecture and the Westminster Architecture Society, WAS.
It is a creative and disruptive 2-day event that cuts across the ‘dip-drip’ of the Department’s week-by-week teaching to suggest new and playful ways of working.
This year, things are a little different:
All students and staff can make a proposal for a workshop or event – and teams may include people drawn from outside the Department
Workshops can include traditional workshop activities, as well as performances and lectures, walks, seminars and film-showings – or any other form of activity. They can take place on or off-campus, and include people from outside the Department.
For more details on how to submit a proposal please go here.
Featured image from last year’s Tensegrity workshop, lead by Geoff Morrow, Gavin Weber, Will McLean, Pete Silver and Scott Batty.
Kurt Schwitters ‘DIY’ Summer School for architects, craft/design artists and art students will take place between 14th and 22nd July 2017 at the Merz Barn site, Elterwater, Cumbria – the site of Kurt Schwitters’ last Merzbau experiment.
“Schwitters’ Merzbau experiments were an important influence on the development of early modern architecture..” (Rem Koolhaas, OMA)
The Summer School will offer creative workshop opportunities*, architectural experiments and construction skills projects located in the dramatic landscapes of the Lake District National Park:
There is a small gallery and tools store on site, but students are responsible for their own materials, food and cooking arrangements.
*NB the workshops are informal and programmed according to demand. They can also be offered as one or two half day intensives by arrangement so that people can mix.
Highlight of each KSDIY Summer School – music, food and BBQs!!
Fees: £195 including fully equipped bunk barn accommodation (9 nights) and workshops tuition £100 non-bunk barn, free use of camping facilities, showers, etc. on site at the Merz Barn
For further information and bookings please contact: The Merz Barn project (Ian or Celia) More details are available upon request.
tel: 015394 37309
mobile: 07796 617167