Design and Build Workshop at Kangerlussuaq, Greenland from 25th of July to 9th of August 2021 | Deadline for applications: May 25, 2021

Architecture students are encouraged to apply to design and build workshop in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland that will take place between 29th of July and 9th of August.

The workshop will be located in Kangerlussuaq where the students during a period of 14 days will construct one of the several installations / structures by recycling materials from the local dump site in Kangerlussuaq. The workshop and resulting project will through re-use have a focus on environment and climate challenges on a local and global scale. We will work together with 5 students Arctic DTU in Sisimiut, Greenland.

Tens students will be selected based on 1 page A4 long free form applications. Please send max 1MB email by 25th of May to:

The workshop will be facilitated by architect professor Sami Rental and architect Harald Seljesæter.

Workshop facts:

Location and base will be Kangerlussuaq, Greenland.

How to get to Greenland: 

Flights from Copenhagen CPH to Kangerlussuaq SFJ

The team will live together in a research station building in Kangerlussuaq. Two people may have to share a room. 

The project will cover accommodation and food during workshop. Travels must be covered by participants. No participation fee. 

Deadline 25th of June to confirm if the project is possible due to Covid-19. Negative test requested at CPH before boarding the plane, and again at Greenland after 5 days.

Current regulations request quarantine (5 days) which will be the start of the workshop design phase. The team will form a cohort. 

The project will reserve tickets with negotiated prices for the flight between Copenhagen-Kangerlussuaq (Air Greenland) for the chosen participants & payment pater. 

The team will be 10 international students + 5 students from Greenland. Work together with volunteers and local people. 

One free day with social expedition / excursion.

Inussiarnersumik Inuulluaqqusillunga! / Best Wishes!

Project Team

Student Summer Drawing Workshop: Cartographies of Imagination | Deadline: Friday, June 4, 2021

Cartographies of the Imagination festival of drawing in collaboration with Drawing Matter

The workshop is open to all students of architecture, landscape, visual arts and related.

Key information:

Weekend drawing workshop 17-18 July at OmVed Gardens (RIBA 2019 London award winning space designed by HASA)

Speculative and experimental drawing workshop run by Sayan Skandarajah and Kirsty Badenoch of The Bartlett UCL/University of Reading, in collaboration with Drawing Matter

The produced works will be displayed as part of the exhibition throughout the festival (designed by PiM Studio)

Free to take part (limited places available)

Deadline for applications 4th June

Architectural Gateway Workshop with Sami Rintala, 18th-22nd June 2018_Deadline for applications: 15th June

When: 18th – 22nd June 2018

Deadline: 15th June 2018

The Architectural Gateway summer workshop is a collaboration with the critically acclaimed Finnish architect Sami Rintala.

Sami’s work is based on narrative and conceptualism, resulting in a layered interpretation of the physical, mental and poetic re-sources of a site. The workshop will culminate in a large-scale installation made of structural corrugated card. It will feature as an entrance to FAB FEST ‘18, as well as forming a dramatic, transitional gateway to Digital Construction Week, a major industry event taking place in Excel in October.

Sami Rintala ran the “last” design & build project with DS3.6 students in Finland last year, and is a remarkable design-through-making teacher:

We are very grateful to the Finnish Institute in London for their generous support for this workshop.

Apply now online at 

HistBEKE (Historic Built Environment Knowledge Exchange) Seminar Day Invitation, Friday 29th June, London

The HistBEKE project will very soon have a set of recommendations to send to Historic England for their agreement, following which they will be put into action.

We are keen to ensure that the heritage sector, including those in academia, is fully on board with these and that everyone has been able to have an input.

We would like to invite you, therefore, to a seminar day on Friday 29th June in London, either just to attend or to present a short paper. This seminar day is an opportunity to hear more about the HistBEKE project and how the framework will work, including recommendations for the knowledge exchange and research agenda. The future of the project will also be discussed, as well as how it can be used and further developed by everyone in the sector.

Topics for presentations may include, for example:

  • How you might make use of HistBEKE
  • Whether or not your own research agenda/priorities aligns with HistBEKE
  • Knowledge gaps and research themes that we might have missed
  • Knowledge gaps and themes that you might be able to fill (perhaps they could be used as a topic list for MA dissertations?)
  • Thoughts on the recommendations and any further suggestions
  • Guidance / publications / projects that might be added to the knowledge exchange
  • Areas for future collaboration

The key outcome from the workshops was that that HistBEKE should have two key elements:

  1. A Knowledge Exchange – a ‘one-stop-shop’ website that anyone can access for information on building types, conservation techniques, craft skills, materials etc. This will effectively be a Google-style search engine which will provide links/signposts to resources, many of which may well be on your website. This should be a wiki-style page that will be open access so that anyone can update it.
  2. A research agenda and strategy to fill any knowledge gaps and thus add to the knowledge exchange above. This should be ‘managed’ by a network/forum/stakeholder group rather than an open access wiki.

The other recommendations can all be found in the online survey that we are currently running to see how strongly everyone agrees them:

The recommendations will not be finalised until after the seminar day, however, and all comments will be taken into account.

Please send your expression of interest to Stella Jackson by 31st May and let us know if you’d be able to attend on the 29th June, and if you would like to present a short (max 20 minutes) paper.

Featured image by SPAB (via University of Liverpool)

PLAYweek Workshop Proposal: Let us take you by the hand….

Let us take you by the hand … : Feeling anxious or stressed? We can help.

The Architects Benevolent Society will talk about AnxietyArch – a free, quick, and confidential mental health support service for architects and students.

Sign up to AnxietyArch and you also get a free subscription to Headspace.

Organised by Westminster Architecture Society.

Call for Participation: The Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain, 2018 Architectural History Workshop – Deadline 16th February

Call for Participation

The Society invites proposals for the 2018 Architectural History Workshop, hosted on Saturday 17 March at The Gallery, 70, Cowcross Street, London, EC1M 6EL.

This is the SAHGB’s annual event for Postgraduate Students and Early Career Scholars to share and develop their ideas through ‘lightning’ rounds, where contributors are invited to speak for ten minutes either as a short developed paper, discursive ramble, thematic exploration, or any format that explores and presents their PhD research.

The Workshop will also include a session on “Careers in Architectural History”—presented by a panel of invited speakers from museums, heritage bodies, architectural practices, and more.

The event is limited to PhD students (full-time or part-time) and Early Career Scholars (those who have recently completed their PhDs). We also welcome proposals from anyone currently planning PhD applications.

If you are interested in making a contribution, please see the submission form on the website.

The closing date for applications is Friday 16 February 2018.