Announcement and Call for Participation – Workshop: ” The Architecture of Time” | Deadline for submission: July 1, 2024

When: November 14 and 15, 2024, 9am–5pm

Where: Furness Building/Fisher Fine Arts Library, top floor (“old Kahn studio”), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

What: A two-day workshop bringing scholars, designers, researchers, and theorists together who wish to foreground the topic of time in architecture—a field where space usually dominates—in order to compare notes, mutually enlighten, and pursue collaborations.


• Architecture’s involvement with time (as over space) is beginning to escape orthodox Modernist tropes. These tropes, created by the practice and theories of the Futurists, Constructivists, and Cubists of the early 20th century and systematized mid-century by historians in thrall to relativistic physics like Siegfried Giedion and Bruno Zevi, mainly had to do with movement through space over time, with emphasis on speed.

• Vestiges of these tropes are still with us, prioritizing not only transportation systems, ramps, stairs, elevators, catwalks, openness, flows, and overlooks, but prioritizing too the look of movement, using streamlining, unstable-looking shapes, and avian or marine zoomorphism as well as large, actually-moving building parts and media displays.

• But time enters and enlivens buildings in other, less imagistic ways too: ways having to do with the felt duration of our days relative to a building’s, with the seasons, wind, and sound, with purpose, memory, and history, with upkeep, re-use, and construction (the processes), with community and continuity, serendipity and kairos. We are speaking here of time understood in the tradition of philosophers like Bergson and Merleau-Ponty, writers like Proust and Woolf, artists like Duchamp and Eliasson.

• This workshop is dedicated to exploring time in (at least) two aspects, the phrase “Architecture of Time” referring (1) to how buildings and urban landscapes register or “tell” time, resist time, age nonetheless, hold history, need maintenance, are parts of longer projects, interact with time-based arts, and so forth, and (2), to the structure (“architecture”) of temporal experience as such, i.e., as distinct from but also connected to spatial experience. With regard to this second aspect, might theorists of architecture have something to say to philosophers, neuroscientists, and clinicians studying consciousness itself, or narrativity, or the structure of mental calendars, all subject (to some degree) to cultural variation? And might they have something to say to designers and thinkers about architecture? For surely human consciousness was organized—given shape—not only by the world encountered very long ago, i.e. by nature, but also by the worlds we have imagined and crafted since, and by the things we know and can do now.


Day One: Presentations by the four conveners, each with discussion. Lunch at large. Group dinner.

Day Two: Presentations by six researchers (see Call below), each with discussion. Lunch at large. Cocktails.

Call for Participation

With this Announcement, the conveners are calling for

(1) PresentersPaper presentations by scholars, designers, researchers, poets, and theorists world-wide whose projects are involved with understanding the “architecture of time” in one or both aspects mentioned above, at or above the PhD level. Application deadline: June 3, 2024. Required: substantial abstract (500-700 words) plus a 100-word biographical sketch, sent to one of the conveners. Six papers will be selected for presentation. Decision 1st July 2024.

(2) Discussants (face to face): individuals who are drawn to the topic and have relevant expertise are invited to nominate themselves to be Discussants. Please send a Letter of Interest to one of the conveners by September 15, 2024. Space limited.

(3) Visitors: with due regard for space limits (around 40 people), Visitors are invited to attend all or part of the workshop proceedings. Please contact one of the conveners a few days before the event to check for likelihood of space, or simply show up.

About the Conveners:

Jonathan Hale is an architect and Professor of Architectural Theory at the University of Nottingham. He holds a PhD from Nottingham and an MSc in the History of Architectural Theory from the University of Pennsylvania. His research interests include: phenomenology, embodiment, and the philosophy of technology. Publications include: Merleau-Ponty for Architects (Routledge 2017) plus the co-edited volumes Housing and the City (Routledge 2022), The Future of Museum and Gallery Design (Routledge 2018), and Rethinking Technology, (Routledge 2007). He is Head of the Architecture, Culture and Tectonics (ACT) Research Group at Nottingham and was founding Chair of the international subject network: Architectural Humanities Research Association. Contact:

David Leatherbarrow is Emeritus Professor of Architecture, University of Pennsylvania and Foreign Dean of Southeast University. Born in the United States and educated in the US and England, he has lectured throughout the world and held guest professorships in Britain, Denmark, and China. Questions of how architecture appears, is perceived, and shapes topography direct his research. Among his twelve books are Projecting Urbanity: architecture for and against the city (2023), Book of Ruins, with John Hunt (2022), Building Time: architecture, event, and experience (2020), Three Cultural Ecologies, with Richard Wesley (2018), Architecture Oriented Otherwise (2009), Topographical Stories (2004), Uncommon Ground (2000), and two books co-authored with Mohsen Mostafavi, Surface Architecture (2002) and On Weathering (1993). In 2020 he was awarded the Topaz Medallion, the highest award given by the AIA and ASCA for excellence in architectural education. Contact:

Sophia Psarra is a Professor at the Bartlett, University College London, where she also directs the Architectural and Urban History and Theory PhD Programme. She holds a PhD and an MSc from the Bartlett, UCL and a Masters from the Technical University of Athens. Previously, she was Associate Professor at the University of Michigan and Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University. Her research interests are on the relationship between architecture, spatial experience, social relations and cultural meaning. She has studied the visitors’ experience of cultural institutions such as MoMA, New York, and the Natural History Museum, London. She is currently researching the architecture of parliaments and parliamentary spaces of Europe. She has won first prizes in international architectural competitions and her work has been exhibited at Venice Biennale, the George Pompidou Center, NAI Rotterdam, and in London, Berlin, Milan and Athens. She is the author of Architecture and Narrative (2009) and The Venice Variations (2018), editor of The Production Sites of Architecture (2019) and co-editor of Parliament Buildings: The Architecture of Politics in Europe (2023). Additionally, Sophia was the editor of the Journal of Space Syntax (2011-2015). Contact:

Michael Benedikt is an ACSA Distinguished Professor of Architecture at the University of Texas at Austin, where he holds the Hal Box Chair in Urbanism and teaches design studio and architectural theory. He is a graduate of the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa and of Yale University. Although he has practiced at small scale, he is best known for his writings and lectures worldwide. His books include For an Architecture of Reality (1987), Deconstructing the Kimbell (1991), Cyberspace: First Steps (1991), Value (1997) and Value 2 (1998), Shelter: The 2000 Raoul Wallenberg Lecture (2001), God Is the Good We Do: Theology of Theopraxy (2007), God, Creativity, and Evolution: The Argument from Design(ers) (2008), and his latest, Architecture Beyond Experience (2020). He has published over a hundred articles and chapters in edited books, and executive edited and contributed to fourteen volumes of CENTER: Architecture and Design in America (1994–2019). As a specialist in the phenomenology of space, he is also the originator of isovist theory, and helped design the app ISOVIST ( by Sam McElhinney of UCA Canterbury. Contact:

Workshop: “Biodiversity Net Gain – Design and Delivery within development” | Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at 17:45 (GMT), The Alan Baxter Gallery + Online

When: Tuesday, 19th of December 2023, from 5:45pm to 9:00pm

Where: The Alan Baxter Gallery, 77 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ

To register for attendance in person, please visit here.

To register for online attendance, please visit here.

This event is organised by the Landscape Institute (London branch) in association with the Chartered Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management 

“The mandatory requirement of Biodiversity Net Gain introduced under The Environment Act 2021 finally comes into force in January 2024. New developments need to achieve a 10 percent increase in suitable habitat on site, or off-site if on site gain is not possible. This requirement opens new opportunities for closer collaboration between Landscape Architects and Ecologists on future projects.

This event is an opportunity for us to mark Xmas 2023 together and meet friends, old and new.

This initial workshop presents a networking space to share knowledge, form partnerships and build new relationships between ecology and landscape architecture professionals. We will look at practical case studies of projects where Landscape Architects and Ecologists worked together to achieve net gain in biodiversity. We expect a future series of workshops to develop out of this programme.

We will share experiences and knowledge of BNG delivery which balance amenity with biodiversity enhancement. We will discuss opportunities and challenges associated with habitat design, creation and management. We will present examples of projects that have navigated the relationship and balance between habitat for wildlife and habitat that also provide amenity and local access.

There will be an opportunity to explore how the two professions use terminology to reflect their differing priorities and perspectives, to help articulate where conflicts can arise.”

5.45pm Registration and drinks

6.30pm Welcome and Introductions

6.40pm Discussion: What is BNG (and UGF) Peter Massini (Director, Future Nature Consulting Ltd.) and Mark Fisk (Director of Landscape Architecture, LUC)

7.10pm Tanith Cook – Case studies (Senior Associate Ecologist, Mott MacDonald)

7.30pm Mark Fisk – Case studies (Director of Landscape Architecture, LUC)

7.50pm Discussion / Q and A’s / Conclusions / Next steps

8.30pm Drinks, Finish and tidy up

9.00pm Move onto ‘The Three Compasses’ Pub which is just nearby for more Xmas drinks

School of Architecture + Cities: Gender Ecologies Symposium | March 14-15, 2023

When: Tuesday, 14th of March, 13:30 (GMT) – Wednesday, 15th March, 16:30 (GMT)

Where: School of Architecture + Cities, University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LS

Gender Ecologies is a programme of the British Council launched to support the development and delivery of projects that explore the intersection of women, climate change and arts, demonstrating how arts can be a catalyst for positive change, action and impact in environmental issues. The programme promotes collaboration and mutual exchange of crossdisciplinary knowledge and skills between Pakistan and the UK.

Book your tickets on Eventbrite

Please note: when booking your tickets for the conference, please note you will need to reserve tickets for both days (14 and 15 March) if you intend to be present at both.  

Should you be interested in attending the Cody Dock event on 12th March, please contact Corinna


Sunday 12 March 11 am – 4.30 pm

Location: Cody Dock, Lower Lea Valley

Grounding Landscapes: embodied mapping led by choreographers Claire Burrell and Carolyn Deby from Sirenscrossing with a response from Pakistani based Performance Artist Abuzar Madhu. The Cody Dock resident ecologist will draw observations of the local primary species as part of the workshop.

Tuesday 14 March 1.30 pm -4.30 pm

Location: University of Westminster, Marylebone Road, London, Room 204.

Roundtable symposium where Marvi Mazhar (architect) with Zohaib Kazi (filmmaker) and Abuzar Madhu (performance artist) will be discussing their recent filming of activist fisherwomen, around the Indus River, Pakistan. The documentary will be a visual investigation to open questions about the significance of land and water protection in times of climate crisis. Corinna Dean will respond with her research along the River Lea which looks at the role of contamination and remediation as agency.

Wednesday 15 March 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm

Location: University of Westminster, Marylebone Road, London, Room 204.

The Gender Ecologies team will be joined by Lindsay Bremner, (Professor, architect, writer, head of research UoW) Carolyn Deby, (Sirenscrossing), Claire Burrell (Choreographer) and Kate McMillan (artist, author, King’s College) to discuss how art and research methodologies can raise awareness of environmental issues and environmental justice.

Call for Participants: “Thinkers for Architecture – DIALOGUE 1: Foucault / Merleau – Ponty / Latour | Application deadline: Friday, January 6, 2023

Research Workshop Convened by:

  • Gordana Fontana-Giusti (University of Kent)
  • Jonathan Hale (University of Nottingham)
  • Albena Yaneva (University of Manchester)

When: Monday, 24th of April —Thursday, 27th of April 2023

Where: Manchester, UK

The thought of Michel Foucault, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Bruno Latour has greatly contributed to the advance of research scholarship in the field of architecture. As part of a hugely influential strand of French intellectual history that spans Structuralism, Post-structuralism, Phenomenology and contemporary Actor-Network Theory, the links between these three thinkers are many and vital, and yet in detail remain largely unexplored. Their work has rarely been discussed together, ‘in dialogue’, or across empirical examples and case studies drawn from architectural and urban research. This workshop provides an opportunity for such a dialogue, convened by the authors of three volumes in the Thinkers for Architects book series published by Routledge/Taylor&Francis: Foucault for Architects (Gordana Fontana-Giusti); Merleau-Ponty for Architects (Jonathan Hale); and Latour for Architects (Albena Yaneva). It offers a unique opportunity for young researchers to ‘think with’ these leading theorists of the last 100 years and to harvest applied knowledge for their ongoing research projects.

For more information, please visit here.

Call for Interest: Workshop “Wet Urbanities, Liquid Futures” | January 4-10, 2023, Kochi-Muziris Biennale, Kochi, Kerala, India

Deadline for expression of interest: Monday, October 31, 2022

We invite interdisciplinary participants from, but not limited to, the field of arts, architecture, landscape, environmental studies/ecology and anthropology to take part in a 6 Day Workshop which will explore more-than-human entanglements and environmental relationships drawing on the waterways in Kochi, Kerala.

With a thorough interdisciplinary orientation to the case study of Kochi, the workshop will engage a range of questions concerning the human and other-than-human dimensions of environmental change and the effect of such change on the environment and society.


The workshop will ask participants to engage with the creation of an assemblage of knowledge and engagement through a ‘more than human’ approach. To do this we will activate a number of activities in which we explore the waterways using techniques which borrow from vernacular practices, the animal world, and an ecological framing around New Materialism. The workshop will instigate a process of how to engage creatively with life on an endangered planet.

Activities will engage with space-related topics, peers, and invited guests in a common workshop setting complemented by lectures, excursions and gatherings. Good proficiency in English is preferred.

For pre-enrolment, please fill in the online form on the link below by October 31, 2022.

Workshop shout_Wet Urbanisms, Liquid Futures.

The workshop is free of charge. Participants are expected to organize and pay for their own travel, visas, food, and accommodation.

The workshop is part of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale. Framed by the theme “In our Veins Flow Ink and Fire” we will address the question formulated by the curators of this year’s edition: “What do we find when we listen, read, record, think and make?”

+ info on the Biennale at

The workshop is curated and facilitated by Dr. Corinna Dean and Duarte Santo
Additional information by email to and

University of Westminster Sustainability Week Workshops | Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th of February, Cavendish and Marylebone Campuses

Wednesday, 23rd of February – Growing Space Workshop 

Get hands on with our growing spaces and learn how to grow fresh vegetables from food waste! No booking required. 


Marylebone Campus, Growing Space located on Luxborough Street

12pm- 1pm 

Cavendish Campus, Growing Space, behind the Pavilion (1st floor)

Thursday, 24th of February – Dr Bike Workshop 

Bring your bike anytime during the session to speak to our experienced mechanics and get a free bike health check! Also, come and speak to the team about a great deal on second hand bike, helmet and lock for £150. Available for students and staff.  


Marylebone Campus, Front Entrance 

11.30am- 2pm 

Cavendish Campus, Front Entrance

The Norman Foster Foundation’s Education + Research Programme: 2022 NFF Energy Workshop, April 25-29, 2022 | Deadline for application: February 14, 2022

The Norman Foster Foundation (NFF)’s Education + Research programme is organising the 2022 NFF Energy Workshop, which will take place from 25-29 April 2022 in Madrid, Spain. The workshop aims to bring together international experts and students to explore the development of tools, models and design methods to address global energy challenges, and the role of architecture and design in transforming the use of energy resources.

To this end, the NFF will award ten scholarships to students from the diverse backgrounds of Architecture, Urbanism, Design, Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering and Environmental Studies. Grants will cover all transportation and accommodation related to the week-long event in Madrid, Spain.

For more information and how to apply see here.

BA Architecture: Process Week – Events, Workshops and Reviews across Year 1/2/3 | From Monday, November 1 to Friday, November 5, 2021


Please join us for a week of Events, Workshops and Reviews across 

Year 1/2/3  – BA Architecture 


Monday 01 November 2021, 1PM 

Year 1 Display: Very Very Vernacular  

BA Architecture Studios, 4th Floor  

Exhibition of 1:20 and 1:50 models of a range of vernacular typologies.  

Could turning to the past and looking at the vernacular be one way we could face the building challenges of the future?  


Tuesday 02 November 2021, 2PM 

Shaping Spaces Talk – Simone Valeriani, RCA/V&A 

Building Centre: The essential yet under-explored role that models play in shaping the spaces we live in & a visit to the exhibition ‘Shaping Spaces’ 


Wed+Thu  03+04 November 2021 

Model Making Marathon – Green Mat Workshop 

BA Architecture Studios, 4th Floor Double-day of experimental modelmaking, casting and photographing process models. 


Thursday 04 November 2021, 10AM 

Year 3 Reviews:  Excerpts and Experiments 

BA Architecture Studios, 5th Floor  

DS3.1 Utopia Jane & Tom G 

DS3.2 UniverCity Maria & Bruce (review on Mon 01 Nov) 

DS3.3 Science Fiction & Supertrees Constance & Stephen 

DS3.4 Peripheral Landscapes Paolo & Tom B 

DS3.6 Radical Re-use Camilla & Kester 

DS3.7 Transient Lives John & David 

Open reviews across the Year 3 Design Studios challenging the idea of ‘Build Back Better…?’ Open to all.  


Friday 05 November 2021, 10AM 

Year 1 Reviews 

BA Architecture Studios, 4th Floor Open reviews across Year 1 BA Arch + BSc AED 


and coming soon… 

a double talks series 

Climate Conversations 

online, Term 2 (dates tba) 

A Talks Series about Climate Change, Environmental Sustainablity and Design Projects by tutors in the School of Architecture + Cities 

Out In Practice 

online, Term 2 (dates tba) 

Young architecture graduates reflecting on their time as students and their exciting next steps. Speakers will explore personal ideas and agendas as well as the unexpected trajectories of their early careers 

Disassembling the Woven Pavilion at the Marylebone Campus | Tuesday, June 8, 2021, 10:30-14:00 (BST) | Apply now!

Are you interested in construction and making?

Please come on Tuesday, 8th of June between 10.30am and 2pm, and have some fun taking apart the Woven Pavilion at the rear podium at the Marylebone Campus and learn about the construction process. After revarnishing and making good off-site some of the QHT funded arches it will be reassembled at Harrow Campus.

Please email Maria Kramer for further information.

Climate Demonstrator: Live build summer school at Westminster | Open to all University of Westminster students | June 14 – 25, 2021

We are pleased to announce the launch of Climate Demonstrator: a live build summer for Westminster students in collaboration with St John the Divine School Kennington.

Be part of a two-week live build summer from 14th to 25th June. Work as part of team to design and fabricate an exciting, interactive playground installation that demonstrates the science of buildings and their interaction with climate and biodiversity. The summer school is open to all Westminster students.

Sign in to your University of Westminster google account and click here to go to the registration form. Click here for the summer school website.

What’s the challenge?

To design and fabricate an exciting interactive playground installation that demonstrates the science of buildings and their interaction with climate and biodiversity.

Who can take part?

The project is open to all students at University of Westminster.

How will I be involved and what will I be doing?

You will be assigned to a team to work with students of other courses and levels. The first stage will be an intensive one-day design charrette or workshop to develop a final design and make a concept model. The models will be taken to the school for discussion and debate. The next stage will be to produce fabrication drawings leading to construction of the final work. The installations will be taken to the school for a day of interaction and exhibition with schoolchildren and for display as part of the London Festival of Architecture.

When will it take place?

The summer school will be held for two weeks from 14th to 25th June, culminating in an exhibition on the last day in the ground of St. John’s School. Everything will be happening on campus and on site so you’ll need to be in London and available to contribute during two weeks.

What will I get out of it?

Constructive fun! After over a year of isolated working this is chance to celebrate a return to face-to-face life and interactive hands-on making. Work with students from other disciplines and levels. Develop organisational and project management skills. Make contact with architects, stakeholders and the schools community. The event is part of the London Festival of Architecture so your work will be on public exhibition.

I’m interested. What do I need to do next?

To register, click here to complete the form

Featured image: Domestic Appliances for Science Oxford, Oxford (UK) 2012