Competition: Transforming Urban Landscapes | Deadline: December 4, 2020 at 17:00

This new international ideas competition launched by the Landscape Institute will be of interest to students and/or professionals. 

The aim of the competition is to respond to the current debates on the design and use of our urban landscape in light of the COVID-19 crisis. Deadline 4th December.

Summer School: Living With Earthquakes, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Fermo, Italy_12th-21st of July 2019

The present programme builds on the LIVING WITH EARTHQUAKES conference held in Cambridge in October 2017, which discussed earthquakes that affected the Apennine regions, causing widespread destruction and damage to cultural heritage. This summer school is therefore part of a wider research initiative, involving a dialogue between the SCIENCES (Seismic Engineering, Geotechnics, Construction) and the HUMANITIES (Philosophy, Sociology, Architecture and Urban Studies, History of Art and Architecture).

The new programme is based on the successful experience of the 2018 edition, held in Amandola and takes advantage of the surveys and design proposals produced and presented in the final exhibition on the 1st of August 2018.

Aims and Strategies:

Advanced Master students and PhD candidates in landscape architecture and planning, architecture, engineering, art history and philosophy will be based in Falerone and will make a comparative study of three hill towns in the province of Fermo: Falerone, Amandola and Motefortino.

Field studies and teaching will include:

  • understanding the urban landscape
  • understanding the value of the tangible and intangible heritage
  • principles and problems in the conservation of historic fabric
  • the use of archival material in preparing design appraisals and reports

Students will be given the opportunity to present their research for critical review.


Master and Doctoral students from different fields are invited to send their applications, consisting of a motivation letter and a CV to 


The summer school fee of 150€ per participants covers essential course materials, including digitalised information, visits to case study sites in the three towns, and a joint dinner. Accommodation (bed and breakfast) has been arranged in Falerone at a cost of 30€ per night.

Key Dates:

20th of May 2019 – Application deadline

1st of June 2019 – Accepted students confirmed

10th of June 2019 – Fee payment to confirm participation

For full programme, teaching staff and participating universities please refer to the poster.