Giorgios Malliaropoulos from MArch DS18 to participate in 2022 Sustainability Workshop organised by the Norman Foster Foundation

Congratulations to Giorgios Malliaropoulos, MArch DS18 student, on being selected from hundreds of applicants to be one of ten to participate in the 2022 Sustainability Workshop and represent the University of Westminster.

His interest in sustainability has been proved through his University project last year – ‘’Institute of Ground Tectonics’’ developed while at DS18, under the tutelage of Laura Nica, John Cook, and Ben Pollock. The project is a laboratory for investigating soil structures , sampling analysis and morphological changes in land. Constructed out of a series of innovative aggregate mixtures, the proposal was aiming to minimise the use of material and carbon-intensive materials, materials that would adapt to extreme weather conditions such as drought and storms. This project included complex climatic data gathering, diligent research, Computational fluid dynamics simulations, high standard drawings, and carefully crafted prototypes. 

Giorgios is currently finalising his research topic and agenda for the workshop, but he is interested in exploring soil morphologies & the possibility of controlling through design, nutrient concentration for more fertile soils and enhanced agriculture yields. 

University of Westminster Sustainability Week Workshops | Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th of February, Cavendish and Marylebone Campuses

Wednesday, 23rd of February – Growing Space Workshop 

Get hands on with our growing spaces and learn how to grow fresh vegetables from food waste! No booking required. 


Marylebone Campus, Growing Space located on Luxborough Street

12pm- 1pm 

Cavendish Campus, Growing Space, behind the Pavilion (1st floor)

Thursday, 24th of February – Dr Bike Workshop 

Bring your bike anytime during the session to speak to our experienced mechanics and get a free bike health check! Also, come and speak to the team about a great deal on second hand bike, helmet and lock for £150. Available for students and staff.  


Marylebone Campus, Front Entrance 

11.30am- 2pm 

Cavendish Campus, Front Entrance

Norman Foster Foundation: Sustainability Workshop supported by Rolex Institute | Deadline for submissions: Monday, July 30, 2021, 24:00 (CEST)

The Workshop will take place in Madrid from 18-22 October 2021. As with previous workshops, ten grants will be awarded to a selection of exceptional students from around the world to attend and work on collaborative projects throughout the week-long programme. These grants will cover all visa, transportation and accommodation costs associated with the workshop.

In order to provide equal chances to interested students worldwide, we have also issued an Open Call for applications which poses the following question: How can the field of design shift its relationship with sustainability from one of scarcity and limitation towards abundance and possibility?

The deadline for submissions is Monday 30 July 2021 24:00 CEST (Madrid time). For any additional information, you can refer to the NFF website:

The Workshop will be a unique opportunity to work with experts, practitioners and academics to explore sustainable solutions for overarching topics such as climate change, the use of energy and resources, and their local and global implications. The workshop experience will enable students to become part of a growing network of scholars and alumni connected to the NFF.