Open Lecture Series: “The Prefabricated Interior & Interior Systems Theory” by Deborah Schneiderman, Pratt Institute | Friday, January 31 at 13:00 (GMT) in M416 (Robin Evans Room)

When: Friday, 31st of January 2025 at 1pm (GMT)

Where: M416 (Robin Evans Room), Marylebone Campus, University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, NW1 5LS

Recommended for those interested in interiors and the technologies of prefabrication but everybody welcome.

Deborah Schneiderman, RA, LEED-AP, is Professor of Interior Design at Pratt Institute and principal/founder of deSc: architecture/design/research.  Schneiderman’s scholarship and praxis explore the emerging fabricated interior environment and its materiality. Schneiderman’s publications include the books Inside Prefab: The Ready-Made Interior, The Prefab Bathroom, Textile, Technology and Design: From Interior Space to Outer Space, Interiors Beyond Architecture, Interior Provocations: History, Theory, and Practice of Autonomous Interiors, and Appropriated Interiors. She has published multiple journal articles and chapters in edited volumes including The Interior Architecture Theory Reader (Routledge) and The Handbook of Design for Sustainability (Bloomsbury). Schneiderman has exhibited work and lectured internationally for peer-reviewed conferences and invited venues including the Storefront for Art and Architecture, The Center for Architecture, and Van Alen Institute Books. Schneiderman earned her Bachelor of Science in Design and Environmental Analysis from Cornell University and MArch from the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc).