Book Launch + Webinar: “Open Gaza: Architectures of Hope” | Thursday, June 10 , 2021 at 18:00 (BST)

Please join MArch DS22 tutors and the founders of Palestine Regeneration Team, Senior Lecturers at the UoW, Yara Sharif and Nasser Golzari, on the 10th of June 2021 at 6pm (BST) for a webinar and a book launch for Open Gaza: Architectures of hope, co-edited by the late Michael Sorkin and Deen Sharp.

In an attempt to cultivate hope, a group of scholars got together to explore imaginative spatial scenarios to heal the fractured city of Gaza. While we share some of the work, we will also be discussing the wider subjects of Architecture of Care and the Right to the City.

The event hosted by the Head of School of Architecture + Cities, Professor Harry Charrington, is a tribute to Michael Sorkin and a testament to his insistent cry for a right to the city and a spatial justice for all.

The event is part of London Festival of Architecture.

For further details and to register for the event please go to Eventbrite.