Open Call: “The Digital X Workshop” by Norman Foster Foundation; Deadline: 4th of November

The Norman Foster Foundation is awarding ten scholarships to participate in the upcoming Digital X workshop to be held at the Norman Foster Foundation headquarters in Madrid, Spain, 18–22 February 2019.

The Digital X workshop, mentored by Nicholas Negroponte, co-founder and former director of MIT Media Lab, will comprise a team of granted scholars drawn from the diverse backgrounds of the digital world, design and architecture.

What happens when the natural world and the artificial world become one and the same? What societal and anthropological changes are triggered when direct brain communications occur among humans, and between humans and machines? The Digital X workshop will focus on this kinship, that of architecture and the digital world, how the two play together now, and how they will change the world together, going forward, discussing things that, outrageous today, will be commonplace tomorrow.

Grants will cover all transportation, accommodation and meals related to the week-long event in Madrid. Scholars will engage with an interdisciplinary Academic Body formed by mentors ranging from the fields of electronics and software engineering to social sciences and art.

Those interested in applying please download the application form here.

Deadline is November 4, 2018 24:00 CET.