aae2019: “Learning through Practice”_ Wednesday 24th – Friday 26th of April, Hogg Lecture Theatre Marylebone Campus

The fifth international peer reviewed conference of the UK association of architectural educators, aae2019 Learning through Practice, will be hosted by the University of Westminster.

The conference aims to invite contributions from educators, researchers and architectural practitioners on the theme of contexts for learning architectural practice, and how the nature of these contexts shape the nature and form of the learning itself.

The conference will be a place to reflect on the value of studio-based practice for both student and professional practitioner, to examine the role of workplace located learning, to share knowledge of current and past radical or alternative models, and to speculate on future forms of architectural education.

Click here for the conference website.

Tickets cover entry to the main keynote lecture plus the preceding debate(s). You are welcome to come along to the debate at 16:00 or 16:30 or just head to the lecture at 18:00 or 18:30.

  • Professor Ray Land Wed 24 April 18:30 plus 16:30 debate on ‘Architecture and Professionalism’ (organised by Standing Conference of Heads of Schools of Architecture)
  • Liza Fior and Professor Clare Twomey In Conversation Wed 25 April 18:00 plus debates starting at 16:00 on ‘Partnership Studios: Conflicts and Expectations’ (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) and 17:00 on ‘Archi-Culture: Is Studio Culture Dead’ (London School of Architecture)
  • Meejin Yoon Fri 26 April 18:00 plus debates starting at 16:00 on ‘Ethics and Sustainability in Architectural Education’ (Cardiff/Sheffield Hallam University) and ‘Models for Shared Learning’ (Architecture Foundation UK)

Book tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/aae2019-debates-and-evening-lecture-tickets-tickets-59154989165