When: Thursday, 9th of February, 09:30-14:30 (GMT)
Where: Ground Floor, Marylebone Campus, University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, NW1 5LS
When: Thursday, 9th of February, 09:30-14:30 (GMT)
Where: Ground Floor, Marylebone Campus, University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, NW1 5LS
This academic year, several of the BSc Architecture and Environmental Design students [who are part of the Westminster Environmental Society] and academics have been collaborating with Square Mile Farms in the creation of a hydroponic green wall for the production of food.
This project is the result of the successful application to the Westminster Green Fund.
The wall was installed in the entrance of Marylebone campus on Thursday, May 26th and will be ready for the first harvest after 4 weeks. The installation process was lead by students and Square Mile Farms team. The Vice Chancellor Peter Bonfield also visited the site and chatted to the team.
The official launch and the first harvest are scheduled for June 24th. To attend, please register here.
From September, the BSc Architecture and Environmental Design students will take charge of the maintenance and harvesting of the wall.
Congratulations to all involved!
When: Thursday, 16th of June 2022 from 5.30pm to 8.30pm
Where: Marylebone Studios, Marylebone Campus, 35 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LS
Head of School Harry Charrington cordially invites you to attend the opening of the graduating students’ degree show, OPEN 2022, featuring work from
Thursday 16 June, 5.30pm
Show opened by Kate Macintosh MBE, 6pm
Exhibition continues
Friday 17 June – Monday 11 July
You can also RSVP to DCDI-Events@westminster.ac.uk
Get hands on with our growing spaces and learn how to grow fresh vegetables from food waste! No booking required.
Marylebone Campus, Growing Space located on Luxborough Street
Cavendish Campus, Growing Space, behind the Pavilion (1st floor)
Bring your bike anytime during the session to speak to our experienced mechanics and get a free bike health check! Also, come and speak to the team about a great deal on second hand bike, helmet and lock for £150. Available for students and staff.
Marylebone Campus, Front Entrance
Cavendish Campus, Front Entrance
Are you interested in construction and making?
Please come on Tuesday, 8th of June between 10.30am and 2pm, and have some fun taking apart the Woven Pavilion at the rear podium at the Marylebone Campus and learn about the construction process. After revarnishing and making good off-site some of the QHT funded arches it will be reassembled at Harrow Campus.
Please email Maria Kramer M.Kramer@westminster.ac.uk for further information.
In the run-in to portfolio submission and OPEN2019, the School of Architecture + Cities has agreed with Security extra cover to enable 24h opening of the Marylebone studios for the nights of:
Any infringements of the 11pm closing time on all other nights will automatically lead to the withdrawal of these additional opening times.
When: Launch -13th June 2018, 18:00-21:00 | Exhibition Continues – Thursday 14th June to Friday 13th July
Where: Rear of Learning Platform, Architecture and the Built Environment, University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LS
A new Oculus Pavilion, designed and built by third year Architecture students from the University of Westminster, will open Wednesday 13th June, at the rear of Westminster’s Marylebone Campus, as part of the London Festival of Architecture.
The circular structure with a view into the sky was inspired by architect Vladimir Tatlin’s 1919 design Tatlin Tower, a design not realised until a sculpture was built in 1971 as part of the “Art in Revolution” exhibition at the Hayward Gallery. The 1971 sculpture was reconstructed at the rear patio of the Marylebone Campus, the same location where the students’ Oculus pavilion will be exhibited this year.
The project was funded by the Quintin Hogg Trust and led by Westminster Architecture Lecturers Maria Kramer and Eric Guibert.