Call for Papers: CHORD workshop – ‘Retailing, Architecture and Material Culture: Historical Perspectives’, Deadline for Abstracts 2nd March

Call for Papers

CHORD workshop: ‘Retailing, Architecture and Material Culture: Historical Perspectives’

Tuesday 22 May 2018

University of Wolverhampton, UK

The Centre for the History of Retailing and Distribution (CHORD) invites submissions for a workshop that explores the architecture, material environmement, objetcs and material culture of retailing and distribution.

Papers focusing on any historical period or geographical area are welcome, as are reflections on methodology and / or theory. We invite both experienced and new speakers, including speakers without an institutional affiliation. Potential speakers are welcome to discuss their ideas with the organiser before submission (please see details below). Some of the themes that might be considered include (but are not limited to):

  • The architecture of shops, markets and retail premises
  • Retailing and distribution ephemera
  • Retail exteriors, displays and interiors
  • The material culture of distribution
  • Fixtures, fittings and packaging
  • The restoration and recreation of historical shops
  • Retailing and town planning
  • Retail premises in the wider environment

Individual papers are usually 20 minutes in length, followed by 10 minutes for questions and discussion. We also welcome shorter, 10 minute ‘work in progress’ presentations, also followed by 10 minutes for discussion.

To submit a proposal, please send title and abstract of c.300 to 400 words, specifying whether you are proposing a 10 or a 20 minute presentation to Prof Laura Ugolini, at by 2 March 2018.

If you are unsure whether to submit a proposal or would like to discuss your ideas before submission, please e-mail Prof Laura Ugolini at

The workshop will be held in the Mary Seacole (‘MH’) Building, Wolverhampton University City Campus Molineux, a short walk from Wolverhampton’s bus and train stations. Maps and directions are available here.

The call for papers is available here.

Find out more about this and other CHORD events at

For further information, please e-mail Prof Laura Ugolini at:

Featured image: Marks and Spencers Edgware Road, London store in 1912 © Marks and Spencers Company Archive