MArch History and Theory Guest Lecture Series: “Extractivism as Aesthetics” by Prof Eray Çaylı | Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 18:00 (GMT) in M416 (Robin Evans Room)

When: Thursday, 29th of February 2024 at 6pm

Where: M416, Marylebone Campus, University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, NW1 5LS

“Since colonialism’s outset as a modern political project, images have been central to extractivism, a racial practice that reduces parts of the Earth and its inhabitants to exploitable and marketable resources. How does this centrality operate in a context where visual culture itself has become an extractive industry with images as its raw material, many of them documenting extractivist violence? The question is nowhere more salient today than in Turkey’s Kurdistan where both conventional resource extraction and the extractive industrialization of visual culture have continued apace and loomed large during the rapid shift in 2015-16 from peace talks to all-out war. In this talk (and his forthcoming book of the same title), Eray Çaylı discusses visual culture’s role in waging, making sense of, and contesting environmental violence. Informed by collaboration-driven research, he analyses images produced and circulated across contemporary art, photojournalism, and social media, charting the visual ecologies involved in this production and circulation.”

Prof Dr Eray Çaylı is a Professor of Human Geography with a focus on violence and security in the Anthropocene at the University of Hamburg, Germany.

Article 25 Lecture Series “Make Design Matter”: Bethel Secondary School in Burkina Faso designed by Article 25, February 21, 18:30-20:30, at New London Architecture

When: 21st of February, 18:30-20:30

Where: New London Architecture, Store Street, London WC1E 7BT

Last year, Article 25, an NGO specialised in humanitarian architecture with a particular emphasis on building resilience in vulnerable communities, started “Make Design Matter” – a series of monthly inspirational talks for humanitarians.

Article 25, in partnership with the BRE Trust and venue host NLA, are bringing together outstanding design professionals who work to support the most vulnerable in society across the developing world. These inspiring monthly panel discussions consider the pursuit of progressive, sustainable architecture which focus on the communities they serve.

Previous guests have included Laura Katharina and Ellen Rouwendal, winners of Dezeen’s “Small Building of the Year” award last year.

This February talk will be delivered by Bea Sennewald, Director of Projects at Article 25. The talk will be followed by a panel discussion with invited guests.

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