Open Lecture Series: “The Prefabricated Interior & Interior Systems Theory” by Deborah Schneiderman, Pratt Institute | Friday, January 31 at 13:00 (GMT) in M416 (Robin Evans Room)

When: Friday, 31st of January 2025 at 1pm (GMT)

Where: M416 (Robin Evans Room), Marylebone Campus, University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, NW1 5LS

Recommended for those interested in interiors and the technologies of prefabrication but everybody welcome.

Deborah Schneiderman, RA, LEED-AP, is Professor of Interior Design at Pratt Institute and principal/founder of deSc: architecture/design/research.  Schneiderman’s scholarship and praxis explore the emerging fabricated interior environment and its materiality. Schneiderman’s publications include the books Inside Prefab: The Ready-Made Interior, The Prefab Bathroom, Textile, Technology and Design: From Interior Space to Outer Space, Interiors Beyond Architecture, Interior Provocations: History, Theory, and Practice of Autonomous Interiors, and Appropriated Interiors. She has published multiple journal articles and chapters in edited volumes including The Interior Architecture Theory Reader (Routledge) and The Handbook of Design for Sustainability (Bloomsbury). Schneiderman has exhibited work and lectured internationally for peer-reviewed conferences and invited venues including the Storefront for Art and Architecture, The Center for Architecture, and Van Alen Institute Books. Schneiderman earned her Bachelor of Science in Design and Environmental Analysis from Cornell University and MArch from the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc).

ArCCAT Climate Action Week: Launch of Design Competition for a material reuse station for the studios | Monday, October 25 at 13:00 in Studio, Marylebone Campus

When: Monday, 25th of October 13:00-14:00

Where: Studio, Marylebone Campus

Who: Diony Kypraiou, Stefania Boccaletti, Paolo Zaide and Tabatha Mills.

For both students and architectural designers, the physical model is a manifestation of ideas. The act of physical model-making is central to architectural education and our studios. It presents the opportunity to test, explore, speculate, compose and further the design process. How can you as students begin to challenge wasteful practice? Can we make our studio practice more circular?

Five teams of 4 L5 students each, drawn from each of the undergraduate degrees (Interiors, Architecture, AED, Technology) will participate in this design challenge for a week.

A call for proposals for a forthcoming book: “Interiors in the Era of Covid-19” | Deadline: Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The Covid19 pandemic has caused people, worldwide, to be confined to their homes for longer periods of time than previously, causing many changes to take place within them, while many other interiors beyond the home, including hospitals and care homes, have had to respond to the new priorities in a variety of ways. Homes have had to accommodate the additional roles of schools, gymnasia, restaurants, cinemas, offices, making spaces and more. Above all, the home has been looked to as a site to support and enhance the well-being of its inhabitants in a variety of ways. At the same time, the work, retail, leisure, and hospitality spaces in our city centre buildings sit empty constituting a threat to the future urban environment.

A webinar on the subject of Interiors in the era of Covid-19 was hosted by the Modern Interiors Research Centre (MIRC), which is based at Kingston University, London on March 24th 2021. Following that highly successful event, and interest shown by an academic press, we are currently constructing a proposal for a book of essays, based on the themes and ideas that were raised at the webinar.

With Prof. Penny Sparke as lead editor, ‘Interiors in the era of Covid-19’ will be a collection of essays that offer reflections on the complex ways in which a variety of inside spaces have responded to Covid-19 and other pandemics/human crises. The scope of this volume is global and, while most of the essays deal with contemporary issues, others are historically based. We are keen to consider essays that address, among others, the following themes:

    •   health and well-being at home
    •   home working
    •   representing home during the pandemic
    •   interiors beyond the home
    •   collection and museum initiatives on pandemic interiors
    •   responses by interior design educators to the changing context

Some over-arching themes – including the shifting relationship between the arenas of the public and the private; the implications for people’s identities; the important roles played by technology; gender; and the importance of ‘making’ – cut across these themes. Importantly, the essays explore the roles played by designers (both amateur and professional) in accommodating changing requirements and anticipating future ones.

In addition to considering developments of the papers presented at the webinar as potential content for the proposed book, MIRC is offering an opportunity to anyone else who would like to be considered as a contributor to submit a proposal to us. We are especially interested in essays which deal with historical case-studies that address the relationship of pandemics/diseases/human crises with interiors that could help provide a context for the essays with a contemporary focus.

Please send proposals of 500 words, complete with references, to Patricia Lara-Betancourt at by Tuesday 1st June 2021.

Chris Peach at the BAIA’s “Light Narratives” Workshop

Chris Peach, principal director of fdcreative, recently gave an introduction to lighting design for interiors called “Ruled of Thumb” to second and third year BA Interior Architecture students, as a part of the “Light Narratives” three week workshop.

The lecture covered issues of design, design with light, practical planning, colour and perception.

BAIA Success at the Architects for Health Student Awards

A cloud tethered above Great Ormond Street Hospital providing a great place for children and family to escape and ‘to go crazy’ with a strong architectural response, sensitive to patient needs.(Architects for Health Student Design Awards 2017)

On the 26th June, an Interior Architecture (BA Hons) student Pamela Jankowska received 2 prizes at the Architects for Health Student Awards.

Competing alongside 12 strong projects from UAL Chelsea and University of Westminster, Pamela‘s project “Chumura – Cloud (in Polish)” won her the “LONDON Award”, and she was also awarded the prize for the “Best Drawing”. Her drawing is featured on the cover of the awards booklet.

It was Paul Hyett, an ex-RIBA president, who gave Pamela her prize at the awards event organised by the Architects for Health, which took place at the Wellcome Institute and was attended by the judges, Architects for Health members, as well as tutors and students from the participating colleges (AA, UOW, UAL Chelsea, KLC…)

Congrats to Pamela on this great achievement!

The awards booklet:


Free Range 2017 – Thursday 13th July – Saturday 15th July

Recent graduates from our Interior Architecture (BA Hons) course will be exhibiting their work as a part of Interior Educators at Free Range 2017 , from 13th until 15th July in The Old Truman Brewery.

Part of the exhibition will be dedicatedto the work produced as a part of a Parallel Cities 2, a collaborative project / workshop between students from the Pratt Institute in New York City and the University of Westminster’s Interior Architecture (BA Hons) students, lead by Alessandro Ayuso.

Launch: Thursday 13th July 6-10pm

Exhibition opening times: Friday 14th July – Saturday 15th July, 10am-7pm

Awards+INT.ALK+Bar: Friday 14th July, 7-9pm

Admission is free and the events are open to public.

OPEN2017: The Future of Architecture _ Part 2/2

Hello and welcome to Part 2 of our report on OPEN2017.

Here we bring you some of the MArch RIBA Part II, Interior Design (BA Hons) and Architectural Technology (BSc Hons) students’ work, which had been on show in our Marylebone studios from June 15th until July 2nd.


MArch RIBA Part II

The MArch programme is underpinned by critical agendas, which through its studio culture, are explored as speculative realities. […] The evolving nature of the city, environmental intervention, digital craft, cinematic investigations of space, chance operations, spaces of conflict, industrial regeneration – these are just some of the themes explored by staff and students. (Darren Deane, Course Leader, OPEN2017 Catalogue)


DS10 lead by Toby Burgess and Arthur Mamou-Mani believes that architecture should be fun and is obsessed with giving the students an opportunity to build their own projects in the real world. The studio is focused is on physical experiments tested with digital tools for analysis, formal generation and fabrication. This year, students worked on three different briefs: From Symbols to Systems: Pavilion Proposal, Pavilion Construction and The Big Plan. The three briefs are 3 steps towards a creation of a pavilion for Burning Man 2017. This year’s field trip was to the utopian city of Auroville and the many temples of Hampi Valley.


DS11 lead by Andrew Peckham, Dusan Decermic and Elantha Evans, had chosen Budapest as the location and focus of their studio projects this year. This choice was directly related to an initial interest in the constitution of twin cities, where twinning as a theme might be understood at different scales: from a transnational context to that of the city itself, its urban districts and interiors. The studio developed three short study project themes, however the main Year One design project was Reconfiguring the Baths, and the Year Two design thesis associated with Architectures of Stasis and Flux. Both were introduced before the visiting Budapest and conducting a city survey.


DS12 lead by Ben Stringer, Peter Barber and Maria Kramer, focused on imagining and designing densely populated and ‘publicly owned’ city island villages in the Thames Estuary, a project that intersects issues of housing, industry, ecology and environment. A key issues that studio deals with is a severe shortage of housing in London and the construction of the Thames Tideway ‘super-sewer’, which will help bring new life to estuary ecology. Both were taken as catalysts for imagining new and better modes of existence and new ways of designing the cities. At the beginning of the second semester students went on a field trip to India, where they visited three big cities: Delhi, Ahmedabad and Mumbai.


DS13 lead by Andrew Yau and Andrei Martin operates as an applied think-tank, performing cultural analysis and design research. This year the studio focused on the role, relevance and political agency of architecture in contemporary cultural landscape defined by affect, mood, atmosphere and sensation. This was done through the context of Hong Kong’s urban transformation.


DS15 lead by Sean Griffiths, Kester Rattenbury and Ruby Ray Penny studies ‘chance’ as a design method via the transposition into architectural design of the American composer John Cage’s aleatoric techniques for musical composition. The studio’s approach encourages students to divest themselves of existing prejudices, tastes and preconceptions in the development of inventive design processes that challenge the underlying assumption that design is rational, linear and preordained activity predicated on intentionality.



DS16 lead by Anthony Boulanger, Stuart Piercy and Callum Perry returned from a sabbatical this year to continue to build on an ethos that challenges students to create experimental spatial design project that are informed by a critical response to social, cultural, political and economic contexts with an emphasis on an engagements with materials and an understanding of craft. The year began with an intense 5-week creative collaboration with the ceramics expert Jessie Lee at the Grymsdyke Farm. From there the investigation shifted to Porto, Portugal, which became a base for the main individual design project, where students conceived their own briefs and conducted their research.


DS18 lead by Lindsay Bremner and Roberto Botazzi has been participating in the research agenda of Monsoon Assemblages since 2016, a 5-year ERC funded project taking place in three cities in South Asia: Chennai, Dhaka and Delhi. These cities are places where neoliberal development is conspiring with changing monsoon patterns to produce floods, heatwaves, outbreaks of disease or water shortages and making urban life increasingly vulnerable.  In 2016/17 the studio began simulating monsoon rain as a way to develop its programme and aesthetics. The students visited Chennai where they were hosted by the School or Architecture and Planning at Anna University.


DS20 lead by Gabby Shawcross and Stephen Harty uses film to design and represent architecture. The aim of the studio is to explore animated relationships between architecture and occupants, simulate moving experiences of space, describe dynamic events and speculate on future scenarios. The year the students looked at motion in architecture and architecture in motion. They made journeys through space (quick direct routes and choreographed spatial sequences) in search of architecture that permits encounter and elicits delight.


DS21 lead by Clare Carter, Gill Lambert and Nick Wood is interested in edgelands. Working within a post-industrial landscape, the studio made a proposition for revitalising and re-imagining the town of Doncaster and its former mining colonies. The year began with a forensic study of the land, resulting in richly illustrated mappings, followed by production of artefacts which came as a result of working with the material culture of local communities. The major design project Doncaster Works had students speculating on the idea of a resurgent Doncaster, whether to make a new civic space, repurpose an existing structure or suggest a new industrial infrastructure for the town and its environs.


DS22 lead by Nasser Golzari and Yara Sharif aims to create a strong link between the practice, research and academia, so this year the studio continued ‘research by design’ journey across ‘absent’ and uncertain landscapes where time and mobility have become irrelevant. Looking at the Mediterranean sea as a prototype for hyper-connected and enduringly fragile world of present, leading to the edges of the Red Sea, Dead Sea and Persian gulf, the students tried to unpack the and expose the hidden layers and dynamic potential of coastal cities.


Light and Flight is a collaborative project between DS22, Palestine Regeneration Team (PART) and Golzari-NG Architects, in collaboration with Amos Trust. Exhibited at the OPEN2017, the project was also part of London Festival of Architecture (LFA). The installation celebrates notion of memory – this year’s theme at the LFA.


Interior Architecture (BA Hons)

Interior architecture is a distinct context-based practice concerned with re-reading, re-using and altering an architectural shell. Whether at the scale of the city, a building, or a room, the ‘interiorist’ always starts with something and within something. By altering those structures, Interior Architecture allows a building to have many different lives. London is our campus and projects this year included study spaces in the Victoria and Albert Museum, installations at Wilton’s Music Hall, live-work dwellings on Columbia Road and a broadcasting facility in Unity House, Woolwich. (Ro Spankie, Course Leader, OPEN2017 Catalogue)


Year 1: lead by Lara Rettondini (Module Leader), Sue Phillips, Yota Adilenidou, Allan Sylvester, Matt Haycocks

In the first year, students on the BA Interior Architecture course are introduced to underlying concepts and principles associated with the discipline and learn fundamental processes, skills and techniques relevant to conceive and develop, resolve and communicate spatial design proposals. They are also get to grips with the use of graphic design, CAD and 3D modelling software, as well as the Faculty’s Fabrication Lab. The projects undertaken over the course of the first year range from short-term tasks in semester one, followed by a study space design for researcher-in-residence at the Victoria and Albert Museum, to the interior design of a small building in semester two.


Year 2: lead by Matt Haycocks, Mike Guy, Mohamad Hafeda, Tania Lopez Winkler, Alessandro Ayuso (semester one includes: Julia Dwyer, Diony Kypraiou, Ro Spankie) 

This year the students were asked to look at two very different buildings: Wilton’s (a Victorian music hall in London’s East End) and Unity House (a marine engineering workshop on the banks of the Thames in Woolwich). Both studio projects were focused on the role of the existing building fabric in the process of regeneration, but also the role politics and the place play in interpreting the present and imagining the future. In semester one the students joint the third year students to work on the ideas related to domesticity and home, then worked on design proposals for the temporary inhabitation of Wilton’s Music Hall and finally in semester two they devised their own proposals for the adaptation and reuse of Unity House.


Year 3: lead by Ro Spankie, Alessandro Ayuso, Diony Kypraiou, Matt Haycocks (semester one includes: Julia Dwyer, Mike Guy, Mohamad Hafeda, Tania Lopez Winkler)

Third year students started this academic year working together with second year students on a joint project Home Acts. The aim was to explore an idea of home constructed through acts and rituals, rather than brick and mortar. Their own experience of home was then rehoused to a public realm, culminating into an installation and/or performance at Wilton’s Music Hall. The final Major Project in BA Architecture is self derived with students selecting their site and setting their programme.


Architectural Technology (BSc Hons)

Architectural Technology offers specialism in the technological, environmental, material and detailing decisions necessary to solve design problems. It requires sound understanding of design process, design and architectural composition, construction technology, and management tools for the effective communication of design information. (Virgina Rammou, Course Leader, OPEN2017 Catalogue)

This year, the second year students were asked to design a nursery school for 85 children and the third year students a new building for White Cube Galleries.

Year 2: lead by Adam Thwaites, Paul Kalkhoven, Tabatha Harris Mills, Virginia Rammou

Year 3: lead by Adam Thwaites, Paul Smith, Tabatha Harris Mills, Virginia Rammou


Make sure you like and follow our Instagram and Twitter pages, as we plan to reflect back on the OPEN2017 throughout the month of July.

Happy summer everyone!