Technical Studies Lecture Series: “U-Build” Nick Newman, Studio Bark, Thursday, November 26 at 18:00 [online via BB]

When: Thursday, 26th of November at 6pm

Event Link (no need to register): 

Nick Newman is a Director of Studio Bark and the U-Build construction system. 

His experience spans environmental architecture, climate activism, circular economy construction and deep energy retrofits. Nick is a Passivhaus Designer and has contributed to a number of journals and publications, including the Environmental Design Pocketbook, the Passivhaus Designer’s Manual and an upcoming journal for the RIBA focusing on the Climate Emergency.  He speaks regularly at events on behalf of the studio and was named a ‘Rising Sustainability Star’ by Building magazine in 2014. Nick is an advocate for radical responses to the Climate Emergency, and, was arrested for his involvement with ‘protest architecture’ at the Extinction Rebellion protests in 2019 and 2020, which brought Central London to a standstill. 

For more details contact Will McLean – 

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