Technical Studies Lecture Series: Sho Ito “Nature’s Treasures: Celebrating Earth’s Natural Resources” | Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 18:00 (GMT), M416 + Online

When: Thursday, 30th of November at 6pm (GMT)

Where: M416, University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, NW1 5LS + Online

Sho Ito is a registered architect, educator in the UK and the founder of Studio ITO: Interdisciplinary Thought Operations ( / Instagram: @studio__ito) a design and research studio working with large-scale housing developments in Cambodia, café renovations in London to private homes in Tokyo. Ito graduated from the Architectural Association School of Architecture (AA). He has extensive experience and knowledge in both the academic and architectural industry, having previously worked at Stirling Prize-winning offices, Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, dRMM (de Rijke Marsh and Morgan) and AHMM (Allford Hall Monaghan and Morris) in the UK across the commercial sector.

Nature’s Treasures: Celebrating Earth’s Natural Resources is Ito’s research agenda and personal interest where he attempts to analyse and understand ‘space’ that is inherently linked to the extraction of natural resources. Furthermore, exposing how the commodification process of the strategic systems and infrastructures developed in place allows corporations to manipulate and financially gain from resources that should be democratic. Ito explores the unknown and the hidden through critically analysing and articulating conditions that are spatial through multiple scales, from the territorial, urban, block, and building to the room.

By facilitating knowledge exchange and collaboration, the lecture seeks to generate discussion and awareness that responds to balance the needs of current and future generations while safeguarding the planet’s ecological integrity.

For details contact Will McLean

Call for Projects / Papers: “Design Agency within Earth Systems”, Architectural Association Symposium_Deadline 7th July 2018

8,000 metres above the sea level exists what climbers call the “death zone”. This altitude marks the limit for human habitation, above which our species cannot survive. We thrive in the “life zone” – the earth’s land surfaces and oceans, its geological layers beneath, the dynamic atmosphere above – all affected by gravitational magnetic forces beyond. This living world is constantly being transformed by our social, economic and political interactions revealing our intricate dependences on the earth and its systems. Terms such as “Anthropocene” and “Capitalocene” have drawn attention to the role of political economy in transforming these earth systems and positioned design as a major geological force shaping the planet.

Speakers for symposium include: Neil Brenner (UTL, Harvard GSD); Stuart Elden (Warwick University); El Hadi Jazairy and Rania Ghosn (Design Earth); Marti Franch (EMF Landscape Architecture) + more.

Deadline: 07 July 2018, for notification no later than the end of August 2018.

Successful applicants will be expected to cover their own cost for travel and accommodation.

For more info please download the call for projects / papers: