Fire Experience Day for Architecture Students

On June 9, 2022 a group of staff and students from the School of Architecture + Cities, University of Westminster attended a pilot day hosted by the Fire Service Training College. The experience and information gathered was particularly useful with regard to the new Building Safety Bill and also the incoming RIBA/ARB criteria on Fire and Life Safety Design.

Staff attending:

  • Scott Batty
  • William Mclean

Students from Year 2, BA Architecture:

  • Luke Harvey
  • Ruhsan (Roxan) Sadrettin 
  • Kyrah-Chae Copeland-Thompson

The School hopes to be able to expand to a whole year group next year.

All images by Scott Batty

Friday Technical Surgeries

Each year, the final year MArch and Year 3 BA students are invited to attend the Friday Technical Surgeries, to help them develop the technical side of their design projects. 

The tutorials are organised by Dr Will McLean, and the University of Westminster (UoW) Technical staff is joined by the visiting structural engineers, environmental consultants and practising architects who act as consultants for the students. 

In attendance last Friday were:

  • Scott Batty (UoW)
  • Will McLean (UoW)
  • Andrew Whiting (HUT) (UoW)
  • Chris Leung (UCL) (UoW)
  • Paolo Cascone (UoW)
  • Alison McLellan (UoW)


+ Detail Design Day

On Monday 8th of April, second year BA students from the School of Architecture + Cities had the opportunity to meet and have tutorials with a number of professionals from the industry.

The tutorials ran throughout the day, providing the students with invaluable insight and help with their final projects. The students were asked to bring in 1:20 model of a part of their project, as well as some drawings to help contextualise the model. The professionals took on the role of tutors, and were there to assist the students in understanding and solving the issues regarding detailing and construction. With only five weeks left until the portfolio submission, the aim was to use the model, alongside tutorials, as an “exploratory” investigation into the building envelope of the project, which would help pinpoint the building design that is, for most students, still in flux.

The participants: All Year 2 Architecture Students (UOW) Scott Batty Architect (UOW), Dr Stanislava Bošković (Imperial College), Todd Courtney (HUT), Rachel Eccles (HUT), Peter Greves (MAKE Architects), Matt Haycocks (UOW), George Jamieson (HUT), Vlad Luchian (HUT), Elena Marshall (Morph Structures), Dr William McLean (UOW), Sangkil Park (MAKE Architects), Paulo Pimentel (IP Design Studio), Jim Potter (Waind Gohil + Potter), Graham West (West Architecture), Julian Williams (UOW), Fran Williams (Technical Editor, The Architects Journal)