Symposium: Monsoon [+other] Airs, 20-21 April, University of Westminster, Marylebone Campus, M416

Monsoon [+ other] Airs is the first of three annual symposia that will be convened by the ERC funded Monsoon Assemblages project at the University of Westminster. It will interrogate questions of monsoon atmospheres, politics and media and comprise a keynote lecture (Thursday 20th April) followed by a one-day long symposium (Friday 21st April). It will be accompanied by an exhibition of graphic, audio and video works.

The keynote lecture will be given by architect Sean Lally of Weathers. Symposium speakers will include meteorologist Andrew Turner (University of Reading) and philosopher Etienne Turpin (MIT Urban Risk Lab). The exhibition will include work by students of DS18 and Victoria Watson (University of Westminster).

Keynote Lecture – Thursday 20th April 18:30 : Sean Lally (Architect, Weathers)

Symposium – Friday 21st April, 9:30-17:00 :

Andrew Turner (Department of Meteorology, University of Reading)

Nerea Calvillo (Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick)

Victoria Watson (Department of Architecture, University of Westminster)

Anasuya Basu (The Telegraph, Kolkata)

Rifat Islam Esha (Dhaka Tribune)

Neha Lalchandani (Times of India, Delhi)

Hannah Swee (Disaster Risk Reduction, Copenhagen, Denmark)

Cleo Roberts (PhD Candidate, Art History, University of Cambridge)

Etienne Turpin (Research Scientist, MIT Urban Risk Lab)

Stine Simonsen Puri (Department of Cross Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen)

Harshavardhan Bhat (PhD Candidate, University of Westminster)

Exhibition – Friday 21st April 18:30 : Sean Lally, Nere Calvillo, Victoria Watson, Vishal Gowtham B, Vinusha Keshav, Koushik Krishna N, Aishwarya KV, Keerthana Muralidharan, Tom Benson, Cid Schuler, Calvin Sin

This event is FREE, but please register at: