Calls for Expression of Interest: ATCH Visiting Fellows Program, 2019_Deadline 1st July 2018

ATCH Visiting Fellows Program: 2019

The ATCH (Architecture Theory Criticism History) Research Centre invites Expressions of Interest for the Visiting Fellows Program 2019. The program welcomes Expressions of Interest from scholars with varying levels of experience who are carrying out critical research in architecture.

ATCH is located within the School of Architecture at The University of Queensland (UQ), in Brisbane, Australia. The Centre supports innovative and interdisciplinary research on the history, theory and criticism of architecture. Architecture and its place within a larger history of ideas is a strong focus within the Centre. Bringing together Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Fellows, Postgraduates and Academics from UQ’s School of Architecture, the centre offers a stimulating and rich environment for enquiry and debate. An active program of seminars, lectures, symposia, workshops and exhibitions is run throughout the year. For a full list of people, recent fellows and events please see ATCH Website.

The Visiting Fellows Research Program supports short term residencies of one to three months for scholars to work on innovative research on the history, theory and criticism of architecture. Projects that overlap with the work of existing ATCH scholars will be favoured. The program welcomes applicants from all levels of academia but particularly encourages proposals from new and mid-career scholars. Visiting Fellowships are not open to postgraduate students.

The Visiting Fellows Research Program will provide a return airfare to Brisbane and a workspace within the centre. All Fellows will have access to UQ libraries, including the Fryer Library and Architecture and Music Library. Support for accommodation may also be available depending on the applicant’s financial circumstances.

Visiting Fellows will be required to present their research in progress in a public lecture, participate in seminars and conferences organised during their residency, and contribute to HDR events. Published outcomes of research undertaken during the Fellowship should acknowledge ATCH and the UQ School of Architecture.

While ATCH Visiting Fellows are solicited through EOIs, the Centre also directly invites Fellows to participate in the program.

Expressions of Interest should be submitted as a single PDF file and address the following items in this order:

  • Name and contact details
  • Title of Research Project
  • Short Research Proposal including intended outcomes (500 words)
  • Short Biography including details of qualifications and 2 recent publications (200 words)
  • Citizenship & Employment Status. Will the applicant be on sabbatical during the course of the Fellowship?
  • Is the project supported by other sources of funding?
  • Is financial assistance for accommodation requested, and if so, on what grounds.
  • Preferred dates and duration of Fellowship in 2019.

If your EOI proceeds to the second stage, the candidate will be invited to submit additional documentation including:

  • A short statement of relevance to ATCH Centre and existing members’ work
  • Relation of the project to the applicant’s past and future research
  • Two samples of published written work (journal articles, pieces of criticism, book chapter, chapter from a submitted PHD thesis).
  • Name and contact details for 2 referees

Please note that the Australian Academic Year runs across two semesters from March to November with inter-semester breaks from late June to July and December to February.

EOIs should be submitted by email to: by July 1, 2018.

Candidates will be notified by September 1, 2018 if they have proceeded to the second stage.

For additional information please contact Centre Manager, Dr Deborah van der Plaat:

Call for Expressions of Interest close: July 1, 2018

For more information, please see: ATCH Website