Eye Line 2017 Competition: Deadline 12th June

Organised by RIBAJ in partnership with the architectural visualisation expert AVR, the Eye Line competition is celebrating its fifth year anniversary. This prize is all about architectural drawing, not the project – originating in any medium or combination of media, from anywhere in the world! The entries are welcome from both students and practitioners, so make sure you get your best work out and apply now!



Judging and shortlisting – Thursday 29th June

Winners and commendations announced in special issue of the RIBAJ – August

Exhibition and Celebration party at the Anise Gallery – September

To find out more about the rules and information required, and to download the entry from, please go to: https://www.ribaj.com/culture/eye-line-2017-get-drawing

Featured image: Corina Tuna from The Cass school ‘Living on Forest Fringes, Nepal’ – Eye Line 2016 third winner, taken from RIBAJ website.