Enrica Papa
This research project explored the impact of digital technological innovation on our travel behaviour. This research was shaped by the context of the coronavirus lockdown and the unique experiment it imposed of a low-travel future, with the potential of replacing physical meetings with connecting to others via digital technology. However, the research has sought to discuss and imagine the future of mobility more generically: to investigate shocks to the transport system, of which the coronavirus crisis was one, through scenario planning.
The future mobility scenario exploration was undertaken during an online workshop in March 2020. The workshop explored four future mobility scenarios along two scales: demand and precautions. Forty transport professionals and practitioners from all over the world attended and contributed to the creation of four future mobility scenarios and common threads between the different scenarios. The workshop used the liberating structures workshop approach pioneered by Keith McCandless, entitled ‘Critical Uncertainties’.
The main deliverables of the project are: (1) a research report; (2) one article published on the Conversation portal; and (3) one article submitted to a peer-reviewed journal.
Furthermore, the project activity led to the submission of three large bids (total request fund € 4M).
The project has been nanced by SCUE Sustainable Cities and the Urban Environment Research Communities at the University of Westminster.
Read more at: http://reimaginingmobility.org