Sustainable Cities and Neighbourhoods (module) Welcome to MORE 2024

Lindsay Bremner, Ripin Kalra

SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND NEIGHBOURHOODS is a module that runs across a number of Masters courses: MA Urban and Regional Planning; MA Urban and Regional Planning (RTPI Professional Apprenticeship); MA Urban Design; and MA Sustainable Development and International Planning. It aims to explore the key theoretical arguments of sustainable, resilient urban development and climate urbanism, and to empower students to contribute to the development of sustainable and resilient practices in their future professional lives. In the second assignment of the module, students are asked to communicate a planning strategy, in this case, the London Boroughs Green and Resilient Action Plan, in a creative way to reach a particular audience. A selection of the work is featured here.

Selection of posters (clockwise from top left): Joseph Wilson-McCann: Smoke and Mirrors; Colin Walters: Chester the Squirrel and his Green Adventure; Rashmi Shinde: Frozen Bonds; Marika Searle-Krokidas: Beans on Toast; Clara Sachetti: Resilient London Bingo; Maria Nunez Gimines: Untitled; Luke Morgan: Sunset City; Gulsabah Mehdiyeva: A Greener Tomorrow; Vedant Kishore: Water Scare-City; Mugul Khalafalla: Overheating; Lauren Clayton-Spencer: Cillian, one in a Million; Shannia Burrage: The Simpsons Predict the Future Again; Matthew Butters: Lady Bird, Lady Bird; Karl Irengard: The Bees Revenge for a Better life; Maria Chicuen: The Vertigo of Climate Change; Karla Johnson; The Four Seasons of Climate Change

Guests: Grace Corn (Principal Engagement Officer: Climate Emergency, City of Westminster), Terry Oliver (Director for Cleaner, Greener and Cultural Services, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea), John Somers (Course Leader RTPI Apprenticeship)