PhD Welcome to MORE 2024

PHD STUDENTS in The School of Architecture + Cities are engaged in wide-ranging areas of research that fall within and across the School’s five research groups: Architectural Humanities; Emerging Territories; Design Practices; Place and Experience; and Transport and Mobilities. Recently completed theses have made pioneering contributions to global scholarship in tourism, climate change, transport, urban planning, heritage and adaptive reuse. 

Those who completed this year include: David Mathewson whose thesis is entitled, ‘Historic Institutionalism and Urban Morphology in Jakarta: Drawing the link between flood policy and impacts on urban form & social sustainability’; Asa Thomas with his thesis, ‘Mediating Mobility at the School Gate: Interpreting London’s School Street schemes’; Mengran Zhu, thesis entitled, ‘Rethinking urban governance in China’s urban regeneration: Case of art space development in Chengduand’; and Dawn Rahman with her thesis entitled, ‘Mad or Magnificent? others who cycle with their children in the UK’.

In addition to standard-route PhDs, we continue to supervise students working towards PhD by Published Work and PhD by Practice. These models of doctorate offer routes into postgraduate study for outstanding professionals with an established body of work, and have also helped to forge valuable connections with industry. Recently completed PhDs by Published Work include ‘The Future of the Already Built’ by Sally Stone; and ‘The Real Thing: An investigation into authenticity and the substance of place’ by David Littlefield. 

This year we welcomed 12 students, 5 of whom received Architecture + Cities studentships and one who was awarded a TECHNE studentship.

For further details about our PhD programme, visit:

Kate Jordan, PhD Coordinator