MA Event Design & Management | MA Tourism Management Welcome to MORE 2024

Dimah Ajeeb (course leader – MATM), Lindsey Hanford (course leader – MAED&M), Stroma Cole, Helen Farrell, Clare Inkson, Josef Jammerbund, Maja Jović, Chiara Orefice, Rutendo Musikavanhu, Ilaria Pappalepore, Andrew Smith

Dimah Ajeeb is Senior Lecturer at the School of Architecture + Cities and Westminster Business School. Her interdisciplinary research interests include architectural and urban design, community prosperity and empowerment, tourism governance, heritage, and cultural tourism.

Lindsey Hanford is a Senior Lecturer in Events. Her key academic interests are informed by ongoing industry engagement and include event strategy, logistics and evaluation as well as the professionalisation of event management.

THE MA COURSES in Event Design and Management and Tourism Management are strongly aligned and delivered by a close-knit team of established academics, early career researchers and practitioners, all of whom have a range of professional experience in events and tourism. 

The situation of our sister courses within an architectural school affords them a unique position within the UK higher education sector. Drawing on our own research, we take a distinctive approach to the spaces and places of tourism and events, focusing on the urban environment  and destinations, enriched by our links with industry.

We attract a diverse and highly international community of students who come to the courses with a range of education and prior experience. All of this makes for a dynamic and rich study environment for students and staff alike, and fully reflects the global nature of professional work in tourism and events.

These taught masters courses provide students with the opportunity to focus their studies through a range of optional modules. These reflect the research interests of the staff team including creative experience design, global festivals and events, the inter-relationships between tourism, culture and society, airport and airline management and, tourism entrepreneurship. 

MA Tourism Management Theses 2024

Anirudh Asija: The role of Local Communities in Sustainable Tourism Development

Victor Bravo Valdez: Benefits for Indigenous Peoples of Sustainable Community-Based Tourism: Tosepan Kali, Mexico

Megan Coy: The Future of Luxury Travel

Malavika Jai Narayanan: Literary Heritage in London

Rashmeen Kaur: Indian Cuisine in London

Ririko Kawahara: Destination Marketing: Evaluating strategies to promote Japan in the British market

Kamal Kunwar: Adventure Tourism in the Hymalaya

Sewnet Tesfaye Lema: Pro-Environmental Travel: Investigation of behaviours of Gen-Z travellers

Mu Li: Ethnic Tourism in China: A study of the opportunities and challenges

Karolina Marcokova: The role of Equestrian Tourism on the Mental Health of Individuals

Quillie Nguyen: Analysis of the Impact of Sustainable Tourism in South-East Asian Countries

Shakila Parizad: Literary Tourism: Jane Austen’s influence on promoting tourism in Bath and Chawton

Phayth Patrick: The Experiences Faced by West Indian Women Solo Travelling Within Europe

Vanessa Rada: Relationship between employee engagement and customer experience in the US airline industry

Flora Rizzi: How Screen Tourism Influences Destinations and Tourist Behaviour

Jin Sasaki: Does a hub airport help a country’s tourism market?

The courses combine small-group classes, some studio work, experiential learning and independent study. We are fortunate to draw on excellent industry links to provide a range of guest speakers, visiting lecturers and field trips. In the final phase of their studies students produce a thesis using original primary research.

Our alumni have been recognised for their scholarly and professional achievements, including multiple winners of the Tourism Management Institute’s Postgraduate Dissertation Prize.

MA Event Design and Management Theses 2024

Muneeb Ahmad: Community Engagement in sustainable Event Management: Examining the social and economic impact on local tourism

Farhan Ahmad: Event Marketing Strategies: Investigating effective strategies to promote and attract participants

Ellie Albalawi: Trends in Green Events: Identify future trends and innovations in sustainable event management

Guntas Arora: Analysing the effects of virtual and hybrid events on attendance engagement and satisfaction

Federico Baldi: Brand and experience analysis of international events produced by UK-based electronic music labels

Angelica Francisca Cantarellas Bauza: Community Engagement in Event Tourism: Local perceptions of La Beata Festival, Mallorca

Shtakshi Chawla: Destination Weddings: Exploring attendee satisfaction and event experience

Dario Coughlan: Sustainable Formula 1 Event Infrastructures: Environmental impact and venue selection criteria

Michela de Salvo: The Experience Economy: The importance of attending live music events post-COVID-19

Bhuvana Dinesh Kumar: Crafting Experiences, Creating Buzz: The role of social media in event management

Laura Duque Echeverry: Addressing the Challenges of Creating Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Events

Mahta Ebrahimisarighieh:  Impact of Fashion on Music Festivals in the US and UK

Aditya Gokral:    
The Transformative Power of Events in Empowering Marginalised Communities

Emma Ho: Comparison of Brand Activation, Engagement and Sponsor Recall at Two Mega Events

Kentaro Ikegami: Shibuya Halloween

Jolly Ikekhide: Augmented Reality at Live Events, Nigeria: An Assessment of Global Trends and Local Realities

Ceren Kalfa: Disney’s Robotics: Transmitting immersive design knowledge
into live music events

Carolina Kravina: Accessible Live Music Events: Employing technologies and practices to aid people with hidden disabilities

Jenna Lustyk: The Influence of the West End on the Production, Promotion and Reception of Musicals in Paris

Jamil Fouad Mira Volunteer Engagement and Sustainability at Mega Events: Diriyah Season, Saudi Arabia

Seraina Mueller: Barriers to Women in Leadership Roles in the Events Industry:
A mental health perspective

Valeria Muraveva: Is the future of the Olympic Games in collaboration?

Ivy Nguyen: Harmonising Culture and Tourism: The impact of music festivals on destination branding, South Korea

Lúcia Ressurreicao Soares: The Impact of Brand Activation Events on Consumer Engagement in the Beauty Industry

Shani Sajeevan: The Role of Sustainability Events in Communicating Climate Change: Strategies, challenges and impacts

Mari Salehi Seyed Salehi: Elevating Visitor Engagement: How illumination and 3D installations shape emotional and interactive exhibition experiences

Hoori Seylsepour: The Transformative Potential of Participatory Placemaking Events in Public Space Activation

Sabira Sultanbekova: Cultural Fusion in London: Exploring the influence of Central Asian Spring Festival on diaspora

Kamonn Tansanguan:
Local Meets Global: Bridging the gap in event marketing and conference management processes

Léonie Thomas: The Logistical Challenges of Tour Management in the Musical Theatre Domain

Mozhgan Yarali: Exploring the Role of Visual Arts in Promoting Sustainability in Event Design

Sepideh Zare: Enhancing Event Experiences through Sustainable Practices: A study within boutique hotels, UK