Mapping the 15-Minute City Research Groups 2023

Enrica Papa (Principal Investigator) and Julian Allen (Research Fellow)

The project is run by an international consortium that includes: Technical University of Munich, University of Westminster and University of Porto

THREE YEARS AGO, Anne Hidalgo campaigned for her re-election as mayor of Paris with the promise to make the French capital a 15-minute city. Since then, numerous international cities have joined the 15-minute city goal of sustainable mobility and transport in inclusive and climate- neutral cities.

However, the practical implementation of the concept is highly dependent on context and varies significantly with different neighbourhoods according to demography, the socio-economic structure of the local population, and the economic, morphologic and institutional landscape.

With its 15-minute City Transition Pathway, the European partnership Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable Future (DUT) aims to address this knowledge gap. One of the main goals is the creation of a 15-minute City Innovation Portfolio, which will pool knowledge on strategies, policies and other aspects of implementing the 15-minute City concept with each city’s different parameters.

The 15-minute City Mapping Project provides an initial over view for the Innovation Portfolio and solid analytical methods for collecting international experiences, tools and best practices to follow phases of the Portfolio roadmap for the 15-minute City Transition Pathway.

In line with the DUT’s 15-minute City Transition Pathway’s approach, we interpret the 15-minute City concept as a mosaic of measures and activities for urban transitions in four main fields or Key Areas:

  1. personal mobility;
  2. urban planning and public space;
  3. urban logistics; and
  4. innovative governance.

Those areas are among the main categories used to map international experience in this project and derive key criteria and elements for deeper analysis of selected case studies.

Additionally, the project will show whether and how the concept can be applied in less central and less dense areas with high car dependency levels.

With the results of this project, we will lay the foundation for the development of the Innovation Portfolio and thus focus the discussion of the 15-minute City on the concrete implementation of the concept in practice.