Accessibility and Connectivity Knowledge Hub for Urban Transformation in Europe (ACUTE) Research Groups 2023

Enrica Papa (Principal Investigator) and Sabina Cioboata (Research Fellow)

Funder: ESRC – JPI

WITH THE AIM of envisaging more sustainable urban development pathways that address current global challenges, a series of projects were funded under the Joint Programming Initiative of the European Commission call on Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ERA-NET ENUAC, 2021-2024). The projects address sustainable urban passenger mobility, freight transport and connectivity as integral parts of sustainable urban development, and bring together partners across the academic, government, civil society and private sectors.

Within this framework, the Accessibility and Connectivity Knowledge Hub for Urban Transformation in Europe (ACUTE) was launched in 2022 in order to facilitate cross-project co-operation within the ENUAC programme.The hub is composed of a consortium of multi-disciplinary researchers and practitioners from five European countries, with Dr Enrica Papa leading Work Package 1.

ACUTE is expected to support ENUAC by conducting a synthesis of results, connecting the projects and consolidating a network of complementary competences and knowledge in the field of accessibility and connectivity. Thus, it will identify results with a potential for further investigation and validation, engaging practitioners, funders and policy makers in order to facilitate the translation of research into practice. By conducting research on the funded ENUAC projects, It will map their collaboration networks, and lead a series of engagement and networking activities.

In this sense, the ACUTE knowledge hub is designed as a flexible instrument for enhancing collaborative scientific research and innovation for tackling complex, multi-sectorial challenges by enabling research, networking, coordination and capacity building across transnationally-funded research at European level.