Research Private: Welcome to MORE 2022
THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE + CITIES combines disciplines that contribute to the design of environmentally and socially sustainable places and mobilities in a range of contexts. We encourage innovation and the cross- fertilisation of ideas, drawing from our unique combination of disciplines – interior architecture, architecture, environmental design, urban design, urban planning, transport studies, and tourism and events. All these disciplines have a well-established history of research and teaching at the University of Westminster.
The School has a strong international reputation for research and hosts several research centres and groups. Its research centres are the Active Travel Academy, the Centre for Air Traffic Management, the Centre for the Production of the Built Environment (PRoBE), and the Max Lock Centre. The research groups are: Architectural Humanities; Emerging Territories; Making and Practice; Place and Experience; and Transport and Mobilities. These groups represent interdisciplinary areas and research agendas within the School. They contribute to the research culture of the school, mentor early career researchers, strengthen the production of research outputs, hold seminars and other events, and extend international partnerships and collaborations. The School of Architecture + Cities also provides leadership for the university-wide ‘Sustainable Cities and Urban Environments’ cross-disciplinary research community.
In the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF), the School submitted more than double the number of researchers than in 2014. 76.7% of our individual outputs were judged to be of 4* (world leading) or 3* (internationally excellent) quality. Our five impact case studies were also judged to be 4* or 3* and our research environment as 3* or 2* (recognised nationally). This result placed us 17/37 in our Unit of Assessment, but 7/37 in our research power, a combined measure of the quality of our research and the number of people submitted.
For further details about our research groups, visit:
Lindsay Bremner SA+C Director of Research

In addition to these five groups, the school hosts the Active Travel Academy led by Rachel Aldred, the Max Lock Centre led by Tony Lloyd-Jones, the Air Traffic Management Research Centre led by Andrew Cook, and ProBE, led by Christine Wall and Linda Clarke, a joint initiative between the School of Architecture and Cities and the Westminster Business School.