Private: Welcome to MORE 2021: MSc Transport Planning and Management

Enrica Papa, Rachel Aldred, Mengqiu (Matthew) Cao, Tom Cohen, Luz Navarro Eslava, Je Howard, Ersilia Verlinghieri, Holly Weir

Enrica Papa is Reader in Transport Planning and course leader of the MSc. Her main research interest is in sustainable accessibility planning.
Rachel Aldred is Professor in Transport and leader of the Active Transport Academy.
Mengqiu (Matthew) Cao is a Senior Lecturer in Transport at the University of Westminster. He has worked in both academia and industry.
Tom Cohen is a Senior Lecturer in Transport at the University of Westminster. His research interest is in Transport Policy.
Luz Navarro Eslava is a Doctoral Researcher in Transport Planning at the University of Westminster.
Jeff Howard is a Doctoral Researcher in Transport Planning at the University of Westminster.
Ersilia Verlinghieri is a Research Associate in Urban Mobility at the University of Oxford.
Holly Weir is a Doctoral Researcher in Transport Planning at the University of Westminster.

The MSc Transport Planning and Management course aims to develop the students’ abilities to initiate and undertake qualitative and quantitative analysis and research in the areas of transport policy, planning and operational management.

The course intake is diverse in terms of background and sector experience. Students without experience in the sector are enabled to equip themselves with knowledge, techniques and methodologies required to take policy decisions or to provide the necessary information/ knowledge for others to take such decisions. They benefit from learning from the experiences and knowledge of part-time professional students, who in turn benefit from the opportunity to critically reflect on their own practice, and examine transport, policy and planning issues from a wider perspective than their present employment.

The overall objectives are to provide all students with a stimulating academic environment within which to study transport issues, to ensure students are aware of current transport policy and planning issues and to prepare them for a wide range of potential employment within the transport sector by developing relevant transferable skills. The course is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), and graduates are exempt from the Institute’s exams. The Course also forms part of the pathway to theTransport Planning Professional (TPP) qualification.

Students following this course develop a critical, in-depth understanding of key transport issues, alongside the skills that will help them progress careers within the sector. The course team is in regular contact with key employers, many of whom regularly both sponsor current employees and employ our recent graduates. Such employers regularly provide information about vacancies and come into the University to speak about the opportunities that they offer. Some offer to partner with full-time students on key dissertation topics of interest, for example providing data for analysis, which can be an excellent route into the industry.

Many of our graduates have progressed to senior levels in management and policy-making, within transport operators, public bodies, consultancy companies and non- governmental organisations.
