Call for Papers- Industrial Heritage in the UK: Mutations, Conversions and Representations – Deadline 15th June

Industrial Heritage in the UK: Mutations, Conversions & Representations is a one-day conference organised by the University of Rennes 2 in France and will take place on Tuesday 10th October 2017.

The ambition of this one-day conference is to explore changes in the field of industrial heritage, its instrumental role in the provision of spaces for tourism, culture, and urban regeneration in general, and potential conflicts arising from the relationship between those various processes. Yet it will also be crucial to examine representations of industrial society and the tangible traces of industry in order to foreground mutations in terms of how industrial heritage has been depicted and perceived ever since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Thus it will offer a more comprehensive picture of the contrasting visions of a once neglected heritage.

Keynote speakers:

Tim Edensor is a Reader in Cultural Geography at Manchester Metropolitan University, and his research revolves around spaces of tourism, national identities, industrial ruins and wasteland, urban materiality, geographies of rhythm and rhythm analysis, and landscapes of illumination.

Ian Beesley is an award winning and internationally acclaimed artist and photographer. His work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, most recently at Milan Photo festival, Italy, the International Industrial Photography festival, Shengyang China, The National Media Museum, Bradford and the Peoples History Museum Manchester.

Proposals to be sent to Aurore Caignet ( or by June 15th 2017.

For more info on please see:


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