Submission of Abstracts for 55th UTSG Annual Conference | July 10 – 12, 2023, Cardiff | Deadline: March 13, 2023

When: From 10th to 12th of July 2023

Where: Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK

The 55th Universities’ Transport Studies Group (UTSG) Annual Conference will take place at Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, between 10 and 12 July 2023:   

The Conference, which has more than half a century’s excellent history in the UK and Ireland has now an international scope so contributions from colleagues from around the world are very much welcome!

Colleagues are reminded that the UTSG conference is a doctoral-student-friendly conference and as always, we are particularly encouraging research students to submit their work. Also, we will be introducing a mentoring-surgery scheme to support colleagues across different career stages and doctoral students and a legacy scheme.

The UTSG conference at Cardiff will be launching a new collaboration initiative for special issues with top-tier journals including:

  • Travel Behaviour and Society (Elsevier),
  • Transportation Planning and Technology (Taylor and Francis), and
  • The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) – Intelligent Transport Systems

Abstract Submission Guideline


To present your work at the UTSG Conference involves two stages:

Authors must submit a 300-word abstract and six keywords that should clearly identify the objectives, background, methods, main findings, and conclusions of your work.

Abstracts can be submitted here:

Click on ‘Make a Submission’ and fill in the required fields. Once submitted, a notification of successful submission email will arrive in the mailbox of the corresponding author; please, also check the ‘junk’ folder of your mailbox!

Note: There is no need to attach a file at this stage but simply paste your abstract in the corresponding field. Authors submitting abstracts for the Smeed Prize (see, eligibility criteria below) must indicate that in the corresponding ‘Topic’ of the submission form.

The abstracts will be reviewed by the UTSG Executive Committee and corresponding authors will be informed of the decision by mid-April 2023.

Only authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit either a ‘full paper’ or an ‘extended abstract’ using the appropriate templates available on the UTSG and Conference websites.

Paper Submission Guidelines


Authors of accepted abstracts will have two options for submitting their research work:

  • A full paper (max. 12 pages long); this is the recommended option for authors who wish their papers to be considered for the special-issue initiative.
  • An extended abstract of max. 1500 words

Full papers and extended abstracts will need to use the corresponding UTSG templates.

Please also note that Smeed Prize entrants must submit a full paper to be eligible (see, criteria below).

Templates and further information can be found on the UTSG and conference websites.

Smeed Prize Submission


Papers can be submitted for the Smeed Prize competition if they are prepared and presented entirely by an author who:

  • Has carried out the work described in the paper while registered as a postgraduate student at a UTSG member institution, and
  • Is either still registered as a student at such an institution or has had a viva since the previous UTSG conference.

The best paper will be awarded £500 and the runner-up £250.

Anyone wishing to enter the Smeed Prize should make this clear in a statement immediately following the abstract.

Entrants must be supported by a confirmation message from the candidate’s supervisor to the  

A full paper submission after the abstract acceptance is compulsory for the Smeed entrants.

Further Information

More details about the conference, including delegate fees and registration will be announced in due course via email and on the Conference website:  

Please, feel free to email for any queries.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at Cardiff!